Actually I wanted to name a blog every day, who I can forward this lovely first award...but I just can't manage with my time somehow...and never manage to get off work on time...So I decided to do it bit by bit....
Still...I had to do a quick my sweet husband wished its his colleagues birthday 2morrow...who always wishes for more my hub's going to decorate the desk...or actually going to cover it in "Snow" *tee hee* and this is the card to it...which he'll probably have to dig out first....
Top 3 for Sketch #766
vor 1 Woche
Mach dir keinen Stress wegen des Awards, Miri - das richtige Leben hat immer Vorrang. :-))
AntwortenLöschenWie toll, wenn man mal im März aus vollem Herzen eine Winterkarte basteln kann! *lach*! Die ist übrigens total niedlich und sehr süß coloriert!
Liebe Grüße, Renate